Put simply, foresters are scientists who care for public and private forests – including urban and community forests.  Foresters utilize the objectives of the landowner, the natural history of the site, the most recent and applicable science, the accumulated wisdom of their own experiences, and economic realities to determine the best course of action.  These actions guide the establishment, proper ongoing stewardship, and eventual harvest of forests and groups of trees.

Our standard of care frequently places foresters “in the middle” of complicated — and often, emotional — management questions.  Foresters occupy the middle ground, helping to determine reasonable harvest levels, and when individual shade or park trees should be removed.  Occupying the logical middle ground may not endear foresters to industry looking for limitless wood supply or to those wishing to eliminate any disturbance.  Occupying the logical middle ground may not endear foresters to those who think that risk management means eliminating all trees or to those who wish to save every tree regardless of condition.

The Society of American Foresters (SAF) was established in 1900 in order to establish the standards for the forestry profession, and to play a leading part in the development of the practice of forestry in the United States.

• Today, SAF challenges land-owners, decision-makers and society at large to make choices about our forests based on professional knowledge, leading-edge thinking and a century of practical experience.

• Today, SAF seeks viable pathways forward, balancing diverse demands on our natural resources.

• Today, SAF sets the standard in forest management, bringing science, best practice and the best people together to actively shape the future of the profession.

The Allegheny Society of American Foresters was organized in 1922, to advance the profession of forestry in the mid-Atlantic states of Pennsylvania, Maryland, West Virginia, New Jersey, and Delaware.  Since about that time, there has been an active local unit in New Jersey, although our modern incarnation was founded in 1950.  Today, the New Jersey Division of the Allegheny Society of American Foresters serves its members, the forests, and society in general by:

• Advancing the science, technology, education, and practice of professional forestry in America, and especially in the State of New Jersey;

• Using the knowledge and skills of the profession to benefit society; and

• Providing an opportunity for better liaison between the individual members, their regional representative, and the SAF.

This website was made possible through the financial support of Steven Kallesser, the NJ Tree Farm Committee, Michael LaMana, Douglas Tavella, Tim Slavin, Kris Hasbrouck, and Frank Hennion.  All photography on this site is courtesy of Charles & Barbara Newlon, William Kallesser, or Steven Kallesser, unless otherwise noted.



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