Awards & Recognition

New Jersey Division Allegheny SAF

Silas Little Award
This award is named in honor of Dr. Silas B. Little, Jr., the pioneering longtime researcher for the USDA Forest Service’s Northern Research Station, who was stationed in the NJ pine barrens from 1937 to 1979.  The award is given in recognition of outstanding visible participation, superior service, professional achievement and contributions to the affairs of the New Jersey Division.

Click here for a list of past awardees. 
Click here for the nomination form.

NJDSAF Service to Society Award
This award is presented annually to a member whose service in the practice of forestry has significantly benefited the residents of New Jersey in the previous year.

Allegheny Society of American Foresters

Robert W. Bauer Outstanding Service to Forestry
The purpose of this award is to give official recognition to professional achievements in forestry, and to recognize superior service to the Society of American Foresters.

Forester of the Year
The purpose of this award is to give official recognition to current professional achievements in forestry, to recognize a specific accomplishment or achievement in forestry during the previous year, and to demonstrate to the public that the profession is a vital and active part of the total conservation effort.

Click here for a list of past Allegheny SAF awardees.

Society of American Foresters

The title of Fellow is one of the highest honors for members of the Society.  This exceptional recognition is bestowed upon a member by their peers for outstanding contributions and service to the Society and the profession.  The goal of the Society is to recognize approximately five percent of its members with this honor.

Click here for a list of Fellows within the NJ Division.

Presidential Field Forester
Practitioners often operate in nearly complete anonymity, yet their actions are one of the most important and visible contributions to the viability and understanding of our profession.  This is where forestry truly happens and it is important that those who perform the art and science of forestry each and every day are recognized.  Eleven members (one from each SAF district) are selected for this award annually.

National Student and Student Chapter Recognition
Click here for additional information

National SAF Awards
Click here for additional information on national SAF awards and Fellows



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